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Carroll Huff

Carroll Huff

Male 1939 -  (86 years)


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Class members attending the CCHS Class of 1957 reunion.

File namea0273265.jpg
File Size99.73k
Dimensions957 x 344
Linked toPatsy Barnes; Joel Garry Brooks; Peggy Joyce Butler; Claudette Dunn; Alfred Taylor "Butch" Ford; Wilma Christine Gray; William Lester "Willie" Green; Shelby Gene Grooms; Carroll Hall; Basil Hugh Hixson; Blanche Holt; Margaret Holt; Judge Ben W. Hooper, II; Carroll Huff; John Kerley; Mickey F. Lovell; Evelyn June Mason; Rex Carroll Masoner; Charles Aubrey McNabb; Richard Lee Owens; Helen Lynne Phillips; Buddy Don Ramsey; Jimmy Fred Ramsey; Doris Reese; Prentice Sexton; Milburn Strange; Billy Violet; Jeanne Yater