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Joel Bowers

Male 1803 - 1853  (49 years)

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Generation: 1

  1. 1.  Joel Bowers was born 11 Nov 1803; died 21 May 1853; was buried Sinking Springs Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

    Joel — Elizabeth Freshour. Elizabeth (daughter of John "Chucklehead" Freshour and Margaret Magdalina "Mollena" Peters) was born 13 Jun 1810; died 12 Feb 1873; was buried Sinking Springs Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee. [Group Sheet]

    1. 2. James H. Bowers  Descendancy chart to this point was born 1848; died 8 Jan 1912; was buried Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

Generation: 2

  1. 2.  James H. Bowers Descendancy chart to this point (1.Joel1) was born 1848; died 8 Jan 1912; was buried Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

    James — Sarah L. Hull. Sarah was born 18 May 1853; died 1 Apr 1933; was buried Timber Ridge Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee. [Group Sheet]

    1. 3. Kate Bowers  Descendancy chart to this point was born 5 Sep 1895, Tennessee; died 21 Jul 1967; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

Generation: 3

  1. 3.  Kate Bowers Descendancy chart to this point (2.James2, 1.Joel1) was born 5 Sep 1895, Tennessee; died 21 Jul 1967; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

    Kate — John Clarence Love. John was born 21 Mar 1895, Tennessee; died 7 Mar 1966; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee. [Group Sheet]

    1. 4. Walter B. Love  Descendancy chart to this point was born 15 Apr 1917, Tennessee; died 29 Aug 1978; was buried Loves Memorial Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.
    2. 5. Dorothy K. Love  Descendancy chart to this point was born 26 Feb 1923, Tennessee; died 8 Sep 1990; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.
    3. 6. G. Thomas Love  Descendancy chart to this point was born Abt 1925, Tennessee.
    4. 7. Elbert Love  Descendancy chart to this point died Bef 27 Aug 2015.
    5. 8. James Bruce Love  Descendancy chart to this point was born 6 May 1928, Bright Hope, Tennessee; died 27 Aug 2015, Brookdale Newport, Newport, Cocke County, Tennessee; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.
    6. 9. Anna Lee Love  Descendancy chart to this point was born Abt 1931, Tennessee.
    7. 10. Bennie Love  Descendancy chart to this point was born Abt 1933, Tennessee.

Generation: 4

  1. 4.  Walter B. Love Descendancy chart to this point (3.Kate3, 2.James2, 1.Joel1) was born 15 Apr 1917, Tennessee; died 29 Aug 1978; was buried Loves Memorial Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

    Walter — Ollie Mae. Ollie was born Abt 1918, North Carolina. [Group Sheet]

  2. 5.  Dorothy K. Love Descendancy chart to this point (3.Kate3, 2.James2, 1.Joel1) was born 26 Feb 1923, Tennessee; died 8 Sep 1990; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

    Dorothy — Howard P. "Boots" Hutton. Howard was born 17 May 1921; died 10 Jul 2003; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee. [Group Sheet]

    1. 11. Johnny Hutton  Descendancy chart to this point

  3. 6.  G. Thomas Love Descendancy chart to this point (3.Kate3, 2.James2, 1.Joel1) was born Abt 1925, Tennessee.

    G. — Louise. [Group Sheet]

  4. 7.  Elbert Love Descendancy chart to this point (3.Kate3, 2.James2, 1.Joel1) died Bef 27 Aug 2015.

  5. 8.  James Bruce LoveJames Bruce Love Descendancy chart to this point (3.Kate3, 2.James2, 1.Joel1) was born 6 May 1928, Bright Hope, Tennessee; died 27 Aug 2015, Brookdale Newport, Newport, Cocke County, Tennessee; was buried Pine Grove Cemetery, Greene County, Tennessee.

    James married Thera Ann Anderson 14 Feb 1960. [Group Sheet]

    1. 12. Dr. Teresa Luanne Love  Descendancy chart to this point
    2. 13. Amy Love  Descendancy chart to this point

  6. 9.  Anna Lee Love Descendancy chart to this point (3.Kate3, 2.James2, 1.Joel1) was born Abt 1931, Tennessee.

    Anna — Timer White. [Group Sheet]

    1. 14. LeighAnn White  Descendancy chart to this point

  7. 10.  Bennie Love Descendancy chart to this point (3.Kate3, 2.James2, 1.Joel1) was born Abt 1933, Tennessee.

    Bennie — Glen McDonald. Glen died Bef 27 Aug 2015. [Group Sheet]

    1. 15. Kim McDonald  Descendancy chart to this point