Sources |
- [S104] Cocke County, Tennessee, and its People, Cocke County Heritage Book Committee, (Walsworth Publishing, 1992), 218.
- [S120] A Place Called Home: Our Story, David L. Popiel, Duay O'Neil, et. al., (2006, The Newport Plain Talk / Jones Media Inc.),, 91.
- [S24] The Newport Plain Talk, (, 16B, 31 Jan 2012.
Capt. Rowe’s students included two future Tenn. governors
Capt. daniel Krause rowe, a
native of washington Coun-
ty, tn, came to Cocke Coun-
ty shortly after the Civil war.
like many veterans of the
era, he chose to begin his
ost-war years in a location other than
is native heath.
He was born
n 1840, a son of
ohn a. and nellie
dodson (Morgan)
rowe, one of the
ouple’s 13 chil-
the family
ome was near
imestone, tn,
nd many of the
amily are buried
n Mt. wesley
Methodist Cem-
tery there.
Capt. rowe en-
sted in the union
army at swing-
eville, and served
n Company C,
0th regiment,
f the tennessee
Cavalry. His mili-
ary records indi-
ate he achieved the rank of lieutenant,
ut in later years he was called “Captain
two of Capt. rowe’s brothers, william
. and john e. also served in the union
when the war ended, Capt. rowe re-
urned to washington County and resid-
d with his widowed mother. He entered
earby washington College and later be-
ame a teacher.
among his students were the sons of
nat taylor, bob and alf, each of whom
ater served as Governor of tennessee.
both honored their former teacher with
n honorary colonelcy while in off ce.
after having taught in Greene County,
Capt. rowe moved further south and set-
tled permanently in Cocke County. It was
here that he married Mary Frances eliza-
beth burnett (1851-1923) of del rio.
at one point, he taught school in del
rio’s old 15th district and a commu-
nity there still carries his name. He also
the rowes had
one daughter and
six sons: john Mar-
shall burnett rowe
(1872), james Her-
bert rowe (1875),
william stephen
rowe (1876), jes-
se thomas rowe
(1879), swan ed-
ward rowe (1882),
Horace jefferson
rowe (1885), and
nelle Maye rowe
Capt. rowe’s
obituary appeared
in The Newport
Plain Talk’s june
12, 1932 issue
and, in part, reads
As the years
passed and the
children grew to maturity, Capt. and
Mrs. Rowe found themselves practically
alone. They took up their residence with
Mr. and Mrs. (Edom) Robinson some 14
years ago. About six years ago, Mrs. Rowe
passed, and since that time Capt. Rowe
has shown a decline in health. During
late years he did not leave the Robinson
home but was content there and always
received every consideration. The pass-
ing of Capt. Rowe is greatly regretted by
everyone, especially the older residents
of the county who knew him intimately
in the earlier days.
Capt. and Mrs. rowe are buried in
newport’s union Cemetery.
Call us for all
your towing needs.
Capt. Daniel K. Rowe in his later years is shown with his daughter Nelle Maye (Rowe) Rob-
inson, left, and her daughter Elizabeth.
CaPt. DanieL roWe 1840-1932
Smoky Mountain Homeplace
- [S147] Find a Grave, (Memorial: 50334274).