Sources |
- [S116] Birth Certificate.
Name: Gerrit Christiaan Everhard
Gender: Male
Christening Date:
Christening Place:
Birth Date: 27 Sep 1868
Birthplace: Burgerlijke Stand, Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Death Date:
Name Note:
Father's Name: Herman Hendrik Everhard
Father's Birthplace:
Father's Age: 36y
Mother's Name: Louisa Maria Johanna Oudsteijn
Mother's Birthplace:
Mother's Age:
Indexing Project (Batch) Number: C02119-3
System Origin: Netherlands-EASy
GS Film number: 253429
Reference ID:
- [S58] Marriage Certificate.
Source Civil register - Marriage
Archive location Noord-Hollands Archief
General Municipality: Amsterdam
Type of record: Huwelijksakte
Record number: reg.1;fol.73v
Registration date: 06-02-1856
Groom Herman Hendrik Everhard
Age: 25
Place of birth: Amsterdam
Bride Louisa Maria Johanna Oudsteijn
Age: 24
Place of birth: Amsterdam
Father groom Hendrik Everhard
Mother groom Janijetie Eliesabet Lanffer
Father bride Gerrit Oudsteijn
Mother bride Anna Christina Maijer
Additional information beroep Bg.:schoenmaker;beroep vader Bg.:smidsknecht;beroep Bd.:naaister;beroep vader Bd.:kruier
Additional information occupation Bg.: Shoemaker, father's occupation Bg.: Smith servant, occupation Bd.: Seamstress; occupation father Bd.: Porter