Sources |
- [S112] Census, 1910.
name: Myrtle M Boling
birthplace: Georgia
relationship to head of household: Daughter
residence: Civil District 11, Blount, Tennessee
marital status: Single
race : White
gender: Female
immigration year:
father's birthplace: Tennessee
mother's birthplace: Georgia
family number: 112
page number: 6
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Thomas Boling M 33y Tennessee
wife Anna Boling F 24y Georgia
dau Myrtle M Boling F 7y Georgia
son William L Boling M 4y Tennessee
dau Rory L Boling F 1y 7m Georgia
bro Shad Boling M 17y Tennessee
sis Cassie Boling F 15y Tennessee
- [S112] Census, 1920.
name: Myrtle Boling
residence: , Blount, Tennessee
estimated birth year: 1903
age: 17
birthplace: Georgia
relationship to head of household: Daughter
gender: Female
race: White
marital status: Single
father's birthplace: Tennessee
mother's birthplace: Georgia
film number: 1821729
digital folder number: 4390801
image number: 00967
sheet number: 7
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self Tom Boling M 47y Tennessee
wife Annie Boling F 33y Georgia
dau Myrtle Boling F 17y Georgia
son Will Boling M 14y Tennessee
dau Turrlylee Boling F 12y Georgia
dau Estella Boling F 8y Tennessee
dau Pearl Boling F 6y Tennessee
dau Mabel Boling F 6m Tennessee