Sources |
- [S112] Census, 1910.
name: Chas E Butler
birthplace: Michigan
relationship to head of household: Grandnephew
residence: Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan
marital status: Single
race : White
gender: Male
immigration year:
father's birthplace: Michigan
mother's birthplace: Michigan
family number: 404
page number: 13
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self John C Dick M 65y Virginia
sis Anna J Butler F 59y Virginia
Chas E Butler M 8y Michigan
- [S112] Census, 1920.
name: Chas Butler
residence: , Berrien, Michigan
estimated birth year: 1904
age: 16
birthplace: Michigan
relationship to head of household: Nephew
gender: Male
race: White
marital status: Single
father's birthplace:
mother's birthplace:
film number: 1820757
digital folder number: 4311582
image number: 00510
sheet number: 16
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self John C Dick M 76y Virginia
sis Anna J Butler F 70y Virginia
Chas Butler M 16y Michigan
- [S58] Marriage Certificate.
groom's name: Harry L Butler
groom's race:
groom's age: 22 years
groom's birth date: 1870
groom's birthplace: New Buffalo
bride's name: Emma E Haskins
bride's race:
bride's age: 20 years
bride's birth date: 1872
bride's birthplace: Michigan
marriage type:
marriage date: 24 May 1892
marriage place: Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan
groom's father: Chas Butler
groom's mother: Anna Dick
bride's father: Harvey
bride's mother: Unknown
groom's marital status:
groom's previous wife:
bride's marital status:
bride's previous husband:
film number: 2342492
frame number:
digital folder number: 4208243
image number: 153
reference number: v 1 p 214 rn 881