Sources |
- [S112] Census, 1930.
name: Margret Fear
event: Census
event date: 1930
event place: Willow Hill, Jasper, Illinois
gender: Female
age: 12
marital status: Single
race: White
birthplace: Illinois
estimated birth year: 1918
immigration year:
relationship to head of household: Daughter
father's birthplace: Illinois
mother's birthplace: Illinois
enumeration district number: 0017
family number: 146
sheet number and letter: 6A
line number: 41
nara publication: T626, roll 521
film number: 2340256
digital folder number: 4584602
image number: 00509
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Daisy Fear F 36 Illinois
son Carl Fear M 14 Illinois
daughter Margret Fear F 12 Illinois
son Milo Fear M 10 Illinois
brother Cal Catt M 46 Illinois