Sources |
- [S112] Census, 1900.
name: Katie L Butler
titles & terms:
event: Census
event date: 1900
event place: ED 144 Weston Township Weston city, Platte, Missouri, United States
birth date: Apr 1860
birthplace: Missouri
relationship to head of household: Head
father's birthplace: Kentucky
mother's birthplace: Kentucky
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Female
marital status: Widowed
years married:
estimated marriage year:
mother how many children: 1
number living children: 0
immigration year:
page: 5
sheet letter: B
family number: 118
reference number: 56
film number: 1240882
digital folder number: 004118811
image number: 00890
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head Katie L Butler F 40 Missouri
servant Rosa Belle F 16 Missouri
- [S112] Census, 1910.
name: Katie Butler
birthplace: Missouri
relationship to head of household: Self
residence: Weston Ward 2, Platte, Missouri
marital status: Widowed
race : White
gender: Female
immigration year:
father's birthplace: Kentucky
mother's birthplace: Missouri
family number: 254
page number: 16
- [S147] Find a Grave, (Memorial: 71821584).
- [S58] Marriage Certificate.
groom's name: John S. Butler
groom's birth date:
groom's birthplace:
groom's age:
bride's name: Katie L. Holladay
bride's birth date:
bride's birthplace:
bride's age:
marriage date: 27 Apr 1881
marriage place: Platte,Missouri
groom's father's name:
groom's mother's name:
bride's father's name:
bride's mother's name:
groom's race:
groom's marital status:
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race:
bride's marital status:
bride's previous husband's name:
indexing project (batch) number: M51561-1
system origin: Missouri-ODM
source film number: 988414
reference number: