Sources |
- [S101] 1880 Census, Rochester, Cedar, Iowa, 177C.
- [S84] E-Mail, Jacie Thomsen [], 9 Apr 2007.
- [S142] Newspaper Article, Tipton Adv, 22 Feb 1934.
John Levi Ridenour, son of John D. and Sarah Ridenour, was born Feb. 22, 1867, in Cedar co, Iowa, and passed away at his home near Tipton Feb. 19, 1934 aged 66 years 11 months and 27 days. The deceased was educated in the country schools of Cedar county and afterward took a business course in a commercial school in Davenport and was employed for some time in a wholesale house in that city. He then spent two seasons working with a surveyor near Huron, S. D., where he was married Dec. 28, 1899 to Miss Minnie Olds of his home county. The following year they established their home in Cedar county where they lived until his death. To this union 4 children were born. Mark, Elizabeth, Clarence, and Arnold of whom Mark and Arnold are living. He was a good neighbor, kind to fault, a good husband, a man with many friends and one with a profound respect for the better things of life. The funeral was conducted Thursday afternoon from the Rochester church by Rev. Alvin Hoskins. Burial at Rochester.