Sources |
- [S113] Manes Funeral Home, (, 2 Jul 2006.
Clydia B. Mason obituary
- [S113] Manes Funeral Home, (, 7 Apr 2009.
Sharon "Dennie" Ottinger obituary
- [S24] The Newport Plain Talk, (, 23 Oct 2012.
Powell sworn in as new city school board member
NEWPORT- Retired Newport Grammar School teacher Linda Powell took the oath of of? ce as the newest member of the Newport City Board of Education on Monday afternoon prior to the group’s October meeting. Judge John Bell administered Powell’s oath as members of her family, the board, and several guests looked on.
Powell, who was already a candidate for election to the board in the city’s December election, was named by Newport City Council at their last meeting to ? nish the term of Kim Hux Hudson, who recently resigned.