Sources |
- [S73] Rawlings Funeral Home, Book 2, 8 May 1976.
George Henderson Chesney obituary
- [S112] Census, 1930.
Name: Eulah Watson
Event Type: Census
Event Date: 1930
Event Place: District 13, Knox, Tennessee
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Marital Status: Single
Race: White
Birthplace: Tennessee
Birth Year (Estimated): 1917
Immigration Year:
Relationship to Head of Household: Daughter
Father's Birthplace: Tennessee
Mother's Birthplace: Tennessee
District: 0088
Household ID: 300
Sheet Number and Letter: 15A
Line Number: 22
Affiliate Publication Number: T626, roll 2260
GS Film number: 2341994
Digital Folder Number: 4548174
Image Number: 00322
Household Gender Age Birthplace
Head Gardner Watson M 48 Tennessee
Wife Billie Watson F 46 Tennessee
Son Chester Watson M 18 Tennessee
Son John Watson M 17 Tennessee
Son Charles Watson M 16 Tennessee
Daughter Eulah Watson F 13 Tennessee
Son William Watson M 11 Tennessee
Son Richard Watson M 9 Tennessee
Daughter Elizabeth Watson F 4 Tennessee
- [S112] Census, 1940.
name: Eula Chestney
titles & terms:
event: Census
event year: 1940
event place: Civil District 12, Sevier, Tennessee, United States
gender: Female
age: 23
marital status: Married
race (original):
race (standardized): White
relationship to head of household (original):
relationship to head of household (standardized): Wife
birthplace: Tennessee
estimated birth year: 1917
residence in 1935: Same House
enumeration district number: 78-20
family number: 120
sheet number and letter: 7B
line number: 69
nara publication number: T627
nara roll number: 3933
digital folder number: 005461375
image number: 00525
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head George Chestney M 27 Tennessee
wife Eula Chestney F 23 Tennessee
- [S99] Farrar Funeral Home, (, 14 Jul 2009.
Elizabeth "Mutt" Clark Owens obituary
- [S58] Marriage Certificate.
name: George Chesney
titles and terms:
event type: Marriage
event date: 30 Jun 1937
event place: Grainger, Tennessee, United States
age: 24
birth year (estimated): 1913
father's name:
father's titles and terms:
mother's name:
mother's titles and terms:
spouse's name: Eula Watson
spouse's titles and terms:
spouse's age: 20
spouse's birth year (estimated): 1917
spouse's father's name:
spouse's father's titles and terms:
spouse's mother's name:
spouse's mother's titles and terms:
reference id: 157
gs film number: 1928683
digital folder number: 004486583
image number: 00566