Sources |
- [S75] Atchley Funeral Home Records, Volume II, 1955-1973, Larry D. Fox, (Smoky Mountain Historical Society), 19 Jun 1957.
Lillie Newman obituary
- [S75] Atchley Funeral Home Records, Volume II, 1955-1973, Larry D. Fox, (Smoky Mountain Historical Society), 31 Mar 1965.
Edward Columbus Newman obituary
- [S112] Census, 1880.
name : William A. Newman
event: Census
event date: 1880
event place: Allensville, Sevier, Tennessee, United States
gender: Male
age: 5
marital status : Single
occupation :
race or color (original) :
ethnicity (standardized) : American
relationship to head : Son
birthplace : Tennessee, United States
birthdate : 1875
spouse's name :
spouse's birthplace :
father's name : John T. Newman
father's birthplace : Tennessee, United States
mother's name : Sarah E. Newman
mother's birthplace : Tennessee, United States
page : 388
page character : B
entry number : 2820
nara film number : T9-1277
gs film number : 1255277
digital folder number: 004244657
image number: 00785
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self John T. Newman M 32 Tennessee, United States
wife Sarah E. Newman F 40 Tennessee, United States
son Charles P. Newman M 20 Tennessee, United States
son James J. Newman M 13 Tennessee, United States
son Henry H. Newman M 10 Tennessee, United States
daughter Sarah J. Newman F 7 Tennessee, United States
son William A. Newman M 5 Tennessee, United States
son Samuel P. Newman M 1 Tennessee, United States
step daughter Martha B. Patterson F 18 Tennessee, United States
- [S112] Census, 1900.
name: William A Newman
titles & terms:
event: Census
event date: 1900
event place: ED 150 Civil District 15, Sevier, Tennessee, United States
birth date: May 1875
birthplace: Tennessee
relationship to head of household: Head
father's birthplace: Tennessee
mother's birthplace: Tennessee
race or color (standardized): White
gender: Male
marital status: Married
years married: 6
estimated marriage year: 1894
mother how many children:
number living children:
immigration year:
page: 3
sheet letter: A
family number: 44
reference number: 31
film number: 1241596
digital folder number: 004118730
image number: 00253
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head William A Newman M 25 Tennessee
wife Susaner Newman F 22 Tennessee
son Edmon C Newman M 3 Tennessee
daughter Carrie B Newman F 1 Tennessee
- [S112] Census, 1910.
name: William A Newman
birthplace: Tennessee
relationship to head of household: Self
residence: Civil District 15, Sevier, Tennessee
marital status: Married
race : White
gender: Male
immigration year:
father's birthplace: Tennessee
mother's birthplace: Tennessee
family number: 93
page number: 6
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self William A Newman M 34y Tennessee
wife Susan Newman F 32y Tennessee
son Columbus Newman M 13y Tennessee
dau Carrie B Newman F 11y Tennessee
son William L Newman M 8y Tennessee
dau Nancy E Newman F 5y Tennessee
- [S112] Census, 1920.
name: William A Newman
residence: , Sevier, Tennessee
estimated birth year: 1875
age: 45
birthplace: Tennessee
relationship to head of household: Self
gender: Male
race: White
marital status: Married
father's birthplace: Tennessee
mother's birthplace: Tennessee
film number: 1821762
digital folder number: 4390948
image number: 00521
sheet number: 4
Household Gender Age Birthplace
self William A Newman M 45y Tennessee
wife Florence Newman F 37y Tennessee
dau Nancy Newman F 14y Tennessee
dau Lena M Newman F 4y6m Tennessee
- [S112] Census, 1930.
name: William A Newman
event: Census
event date: 1930
event place: District 1, Grainger, Tennessee
gender: Male
age: 54
marital status: Married
race: White
birthplace: Tennessee
estimated birth year: 1876
immigration year:
relationship to head of household: Head
father's birthplace: Tennessee
mother's birthplace: Tennessee
enumeration district number: 0002
family number: 126
sheet number and letter: 6A
line number: 11
nara publication: T626, roll 2247
film number: 2341981
digital folder number: 4548161
image number: 00282
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head William A Newman M 54 Tennessee
wife Lillie M Newman F 42 Tennessee
daughter Lena M Newman F 14 Tennessee
- [S112] Census, 1940.
name: W A Newman
titles & terms:
event: Census
event year: 1940
event place: Civil District 5, Sevier, Tennessee, United States
gender: Male
age: 64
marital status: Married
race (original):
race (standardized): White
relationship to head of household (original):
relationship to head of household (standardized): Head
birthplace: Tennessee
estimated birth year: 1876
residence in 1935: Same Place
enumeration district number: 78-7
family number: 86
sheet number and letter: 5A
line number: 31
nara publication number: T627
nara roll number: 3933
digital folder number: 005461375
image number: 00189
Household Gender Age Birthplace
head W A Newman M 64 Tennessee
wife Lillie Newman F 53 Tennessee
niece Trussie Kootz F 15 Tennessee
- [S78] Atchley Funeral Home Records, Volume I, 1930-1954, Larry D. Fox, (Smoky Mountain Historical Society), 26 Dec 1946.
Newman, William Anderson hus of Lillie Bean farmer b. may 11, 1875 Sev Co d. Dec 26, 1946 R4 Rutledge f. William Newman b. Sev Co Alder Branch Cem Survivors: wife 2 sons E. C. Newman William Newman 2 dau Mrs Boyd Watson Mrs Sam Adkins 1 bro Sam Newman 21 gc 3 ggc.
- [S87] Death Certificate.
name: William Anderson Newman
event: Death
event date: 26 Dec 1946
event place: Grainger, Tennessee
gender: Male
marital status: Married
race or color: White
age: 71
estimated birth year:
birth date: 11 May 1875
birthplace: Sevier, Tenn.
spouse: Lillie Bean
father: William Newman
father's birthplace: Sevier, Tenn.
mother: Unknown
mother's birthplace: Unknown
occupation: Farmer
street address: R #1
residence: Sevierville, Sevier, Tenn.
cemetery: Alder Branch
burial place: Sevier Co.
burial date: 28 Dec 1946
additional relatives: X
digital folder number: 4184917
image number: 675
film number: 2137377
volume/page/certificate number: cn 25572
- [S34] In the Shadow of the Smokies, Smoky Mountain Historical Society, (1993), 98.
- [S58] Marriage Certificate.
groom's name: W. A. Newman
groom's birth date:
groom's birthplace:
groom's age:
bride's name: Susanah Romine
bride's birth date:
bride's birthplace:
bride's age:
marriage date: 24 Dec 1894
marriage place: , Sevier, Tennessee
groom's father's name:
groom's mother's name:
bride's father's name:
bride's mother's name:
groom's race:
groom's marital status:
groom's previous wife's name:
bride's race:
bride's marital status:
bride's previous husband's name:
indexing project (batch) number: M51968-4
system origin: Tennessee-VR
source film number: 969967
reference number: 2:2B665QL
- [S58] Marriage Certificate.
name: Wm A Newman
titles & terms:
event: Marriage
event date: 03 Jul 1913
event place: Knox, Tennessee
age: 35
estimated birth year: 1878
father's titles & terms:
mother's titles & terms:
spouse: Florence Sherrod
spouse's titles & terms:
spouse's age: 30
spouse's estimated birth year: 1883
spouse's father:
spouse's father's titles & terms:
spouse's mother:
spouse's mother's titles & terms:
reference number: 657
film number: 1020968
digital folder number: 004538821
image number: 00356