1. | Eliza Jane Peart was born 19 Oct 1829, , Armstrong, Pennsylvania. Notes:
Living 18 February 1884.
On 20 June 1842 Alcy Pert, widow of William L. Peart late of Pine Township,
deceased intestate, petitioned for guardianships for her children, Eliza Jane,
Margaret M., Else Anne, Nancy G., Mary Adeline, and Esther E. Peart, all minors
under fourteen years. A. L. Robinson was so appointed with James Cochran as
Surety in the amount of $600.
On 21 September 1846 an inquest of pertition was requested concerning the real
estate of William L. Peart of Pine Township, 348 acres adjoining James Cochran,
Samuel Hutchinson and land previously sold by William L. Peart to Walter Sloan
his brother-in-law. Peart's heirs were eleven children: Rachel wife of William
Meaner of Indiana County, Pennsylvania, Rosanna wife of Samuel Cochran,
Susannah Peart and Samuel Peart, all of age; also William, Eliza Jane,
Margaret, Else Anne, Nancy, Adeline and Easter Peart, minors.
On 21 December 1846 Sharon Manteer was appointed guardian of Eliza Jane and
Margaret Peart; both girls were then over 14 years and both guardianships were
discharged 3 March 1856. Bond was for $500 with Jonathan Sloan as Surety. On
19 Jun 1849 on petition of Samuel M. Peart, Thomas McConnel was appointed
guardian for Nancy G., Adeline and Esther E. Peart, all under 14 years. Bond
was for $1000 with William Robinson as Surety.
This Peart estate was continued over many years until all of the children were
grown up and until after the death of the widow. There were distribution
payments from time to time with many releases and receipts. In a final
affidavit dated 18 February 1884, S. M. Peart lists the heirs as follows:
Isabella Peart, wife of William S. Peart, now wife of Joseph Campbell; Rachel
Peart, widow of William Manor; Rosannah Peart wife of Samuel Cochran; Susanna
Peart, widow of Samuel Sloan; Eliza Peart wife of John Meanor; Margaret Mateer
now wife of Chris Foster, only child of Margaret Peart and Robert Mateer now
deceased; William L. Frank and Adella Frank, only children of Elsi Anne Peart
and Ezra Frank both decased; Nancy P. Peart wife of A. J. Thompson; Adeline P.
Burgess; and Esther Peart wife of David Prugh.
McTeer - Mateer Families of Cumberland County Pennsylvania, Frances Davis
McTeer, 1975, p 65, 66.
Eliza married John Meanor Aft 28 Nov 1853. [Group Sheet]