1. | Jacob Baldwin was born Abt 1798, Indiana. Notes:
THE land of what is now Redding Township did not come intomarket as early as some other portions of the county, conse-quently settlements and entries were of a later date. The firstland entry made in this township, according to the Tract Booknow on file in the Recorder's office, was by Miller White in 1818.There are some doubts as to the correctness of this date, many ofthe best informed believing that there was no entry made until1820, two years later. It is well known, however, that severalfamilies had settled in the township long before the first landentry was made. The following are the names of a few of thepioneer settlers who made settlements in different parts of thetownship: John Reed, Jacob Watson, Absalom Parker andSamuel Goodnow. These were in the vicinity of Rockford; thelast named lived near what is now known as the Baldwin place.Jacob Baldwin, Jacob Scott, Winthrop Young, Edward Fentress,Richard Williams, James Wilson, Ballard Able, Abraham War-ner, John Smith, John Baldwin, E. Anderson, William Sullivan,S. Parker, John Fishli, James Briston, William Smith, SamuelPrather, one of the Woodmansees, and many others also settledhere at an early day.
"Kin of my Grandchildren, Vol III", Judge Noble K. Littell, 1992, p 20.
"Shields Family", Christine B. Brown, 6 February 1980, p 66.
"History of Jackson County, Indiana.", Brant and Fuller, 1886, p 430.
Jacob married Elizabeth "Betsey" Shields 12 Jul 1820. Elizabeth (daughter of James Shields and Penelope White) was born 1797, Sevier County, Tennessee; died 1877, Jackson County, Indiana. [Group Sheet]