2. | John H. Blish (1.M.1) was born 21 Apr 1822, Vermont. Notes:
JOHN H. BLISH is a native of Woodstock, Vt., andwas born April 21, 1822. He was one of a family of eightchildren born to John and M. (Walis) Blish. He received aliberal education, and graduated from Newberry Academy, Ver-mont. Having a strong predilection for mathematics, he deter-mined to gratify the bent of his mind; and studied civil engineer-ing. He was later employed in this capacity by the Rutland &Burlington Railroad. He severed his connection with this line,and while en route to California in 1849, stopped off at Jeffer-sonville, Ind., while the Jeffersonville, Madison & IndianapolisRailroad was being built. Learning of his abilities, the com-pany tendered him a position as civil engineer, which he ac-cepted. He served the road in this capacity for several years.He was married, in 1854, to Miss Sarah Shields, daughter ofMeedy Shields; mention of whom is made elsewhere. JohnBlish was the founder of the Old Reliable Mill, recently burned,and is vice-president of the First National Bank of Seymour,and is identified with several local enterprises, but has practi-cally retired from active business life, leaving the managementof his affairs to his sons, Meedy S. and Tipton., Mrs. Blish is adescendant of the old pioneer stock of Jackson County, and is awell-preserved lady of middle age, of great native ability, andvery conversant with the history of her section. They are theparents of five children: Meedy, Emma, John, Lucy and Tipton.John, the third son, is a graduate of the United States NavalAcademy, of the class of 1879. After taking a two-years' cruisehe was made a member of the faculty, occupying the chair of elec-tricity and chemistry.
"History of Jackson County, Indiana.", Brant and Fuller, 1886, p 675.
John married Sarah Shields 1854. Sarah (daughter of Meedy White Shields and Eliza P. Ewing) was born Abt 1836, Indiana. [Group Sheet]