| Thumb |
Description |
Linked to |
601 |
 | Loveday
James Avery Mattie Emory
July 1, 1928 Dec. 7, 1930
July 19, 1997 Wed Dec. 29, 2001
July 14
1947 |
602 |
 | Marion D. Loveday
Born & Died
June 6, 1962 |
603 |
 | Infant
Ricky Loveday
Born and died
Aug. 14, 1959 |
604 |
 | Verlis Isaac Loveday
Born 10-01-1943 Died 4-09-2005
Age 61
Atchley Funeral Home, Seymour |
605 |
 | Loveday
William Isaac Alice Emory
Dec. 29, 1910 Mar. 16, 1916
Dec. 23, 1991 Nov. 12, 1993 |
606 |
 | John Robert Mackey Sr
Cpl US Army
World War II
Jul 17 1922 Sep 13 1982 |
607 |
 | Riley Jesse
May 10, 1888
Nov. 12, 1970 |
608 |
 | Sarah Emma
Apr. 18, 1896
Aug. 30, 1988 |
609 |
 | Martin
Sallie A. Martin
Feb. 16, 1862
Oct. 27, 1926
She hath done what she could |
610 |
 | May
Husband Wife
Bill J. Cindy L.
July 8, 1957 Married Nov. 28, 1955
Aug. 25, 1990 |
611 |
 | Robert Magness Rachel Magness
Born Born
July 4, 1841 May 20, 1855
Died Died
June 23, 1909 Aug. 20, 1910 |
612 |
 | Paul N. Johnson
Pvt US Army
World War II
Aug 12 1909 Dec 16 1991 |
613 |
 | Johnson
Cleo Stiles Paul Newman
Oct. 13, 1916 Aug. 12, 1909
Sept. 6, 1999 Dec. 16, 1991 |
614 |
 | Allie M. Johnson
Nov. 28, 1894
Feb. 14, 1968 |
615 |
 | Audley L. Johnson
June 1, 1891
Sept. 15, 1953 |
616 |
 | Jackson
Frank H. Leota D.
1929 1942 1984
Jesus is our Lord |
617 |
 | Otha Simmie Johnson
Jan. 19, 1913
Dec. 23, 1931 |
618 |
 | Bobbie
Gladys Irene
May 13, 1922
July 29, 1934
Darling, we miss you |
619 |
 | Johnson
Bryan F. Willie C.
Jan. 25, 1896 Mar. 15, 1903
Jan. 8, 1967 Oct. 6, 1961 |
620 |
 | In God's love
I. Myers
1962-1985 |
621 |
 | Mays
Harley A. Virginia M.
Jan. 27, 1913 June 11, 1913
July 19, 1988 Sept. 14, 1987 |
622 |
 | Charles J McCroskey
US Navy
World War I
Dec 22 1897 Jan 1 1988 |
623 |
 | McCroskey
C. J.
Charles J. Johnnie Kate
Dec. 22, 1897 Aug. 23, 1903
Jan. 1, 1988 Feb. 6, 1991 |
624 |
 | In memory of
John McCroskey
In the year 1797
July 18, 1872 |
625 |
 | Kimberly Kay
Feb. 17, 1965
Aug. 23, 1981 |
626 |
 | Ruhamah McCroskey
Born 1802,
Sep. 25, 1884
Aged 82 yrs |
627 |
 | Spence McCroskey
July 10, 1839
Jan. 12, 1898
At rest |
628 |
 | Tullah A. Householder
Jan. 27, 1868
Oct. 3, 1951 |
629 |
 | William Leonidas
Nov. 26, 1848
Feb. 7, 1900 |
630 |
 | McMahan
Charles W. Reba M.
Feb. 26, 1901 Jan. 8, 1902
July 11, 1963 July 6, 1991 |
631 |
 | Mary Lynn
Dau. of Chas &
Reba McMahan
Mar. 16, 1922
Dec. 4, 1922 |
632 |
 | Vernell
Dau. of
Chas & Reba
Aug. 21, 1920
Oct. 21, 1920 |
633 |
 | Luella McMahan
Nov. 10, 1896
Sept. 7, 1906
At rest |
634 |
 | McNelly
Edgar H. McNelly
Jan. 6, 1899
Jan. 21, 1930
Tho lost to sight to memory dear |
635 |
 | Sam B. McNelley
May 12, 1859
May 29, 1916 |
636 |
 | Sarah Grimes McNelly
Nov. 1927 |
637 |
 | Ben McPherson
Sept. 3, 1854
Dec. 30, 1921 |
638 |
 | Mrs. Delia Reagan
Oct. 18, 1867
Aug. 1, 1957 |
639 |
 | Hettie H. McPherson
Dec. 12, 1896
Oct. 30, 1973 |
640 |
 | Jerry McPherson
Dec. 6, 1922
Jan. 15, 2004 |
641 |
 | John R. McPherson
Cpl US Army
World War I
1888 1979 |
642 |
 | Sam McPherson
April 13, 1891
June 19, 1947 |
643 |
 | Mitchell
Romo C. Marjorie W.
February 14, 1903 May 8, 1912
January 29, 1962 March 18, 2005 |
644 |
 | Murphy
Carl Oliver Elsie Mae Collins
Dec. 31, 1918 Mar. 13, 1920
Mar. 31, 1989 Aug. 12, 1988 |
645 |
 | Elizabeth
Wife of A. B.
Dec. 28, 1838
Jan. 13, 1908 |
646 |
 | A. B. Murphy
Nov. 1, 1862
July 17, 1930 |
647 |
 | Arlie B. Murphy
Oct. 13, 1904
Feb. 12, 1955
The Lord is my shepherd
I shall not want PS-23:1 |
648 |
 | Bates H Murphy
Avn Cadet Army Air Forces
Dec 4 1923 Jun 19 1974 |
649 |
 | Carl Oliver Murphy
US Army
World War II
Dec 31 1918 Mar 31 1989 |
650 |
 | "Bud"
Carl O. Murphy Jr.
Dec. 23, 1941
May 20, 1961 |
651 |
 | Murphy
Claude M.
Sept. 10, 1902 - Mar. 13, 1960
I asked not to stay. |
652 |
 | Cora L. Clabough
wife of
A. B. Murphy
June 4, 1891
Dec. 2, 1937
I would not live always.
I asked not to stay. |
653 |
 | David Elmer
Son of
E. B. & N. Murphy
June 7, 1906
July 26, 1907 |
654 |
 | Murphy
Erastus Brownlow Nannie Roberts
Apr. 29, 1881 Oct. 26 1883
July 19, 1965 |
655 |
 | Fred Ray Murphy
Nov. 3, 1906
Apr. 15, 1947 |
656 |
 | Henry W. Murphy
Mar. 11, 1873
Feb. 13, 1959 |
657 |
 | Howard W Murphy
US Army
Dec 2 1922 Oct 28 1976 |
658 |
 | Leota A. Murphy
Mar. 26, 1925
May 19, 1999 |
659 |
 | Lizzie G.
Wife of
D. R. Murphy
Born Nov. 19, 1878
Died Mar. 5, 1915
Our dear mother is gone
but not forgotten. |
660 |
 | Lola Payne
Wife of
Arlie B. Murphy
1904 - 1950
Here is the patience of the saints.
here are they that keep the com-
mandments of God.
and the faith of Jesus. Rev. 14-12. |
661 |
 | In the memory of our mother
Martha Wife of
Daniel F. Murphy
July, 14, 1820
July 18, 1903
Age 83 & 4 d
a sleep in Jesus |
662 |
 | Nannie Murphy
Jan. 4, 1893
Oct 9, 1894
A little time on
earth she spent |
663 |
 | Nina B. Murphy
Aug. 29 1873
Jan. 13, 1962 |
664 |
 | At rest
N. E. Murphy
Nov. 12, 1845
July 24, 1909
Murphy |
665 |
 | John G. Newman
May 1, 1880
May 2, 1950 |
666 |
 | Murphy
Samuel Andrew
Nov. 29, 1921
Dec. 19, 1944
Tis' not the whole of life
to live.
nor is it all of death to die |
667 |
 | Thelma
Dau. of
E. B. & N. Murphy
Mar. 22, 1912
Sept. 30, 1912 |
668 |
 | W. B. Murphy
Feb. 15, 1849
Nov. 21, 1919
At rest in Jesus
Murphy |
669 |
 | Charley
Son of
J. H. & V. C. Newman
Mar. 24, 1887
Nov. 2, 1902 |
670 |
 | Elizabeth W. Newman
Dec. 6, 1882
Sept. 6, 1975 |
671 |
 | Ogle
Idana H. W. Arthur
May 25, 1893 July 18, 1884
July 1, 1973 Oct. 23, 1968 |
672 |
 | Cleve Ogle
Pfc US Army
World War II
1922 1977 |
673 |
 | Ogle
Enzlie Della D.
Jan. 29, 1928 Wed July 3, 1954 July 9, 1930 |
674 |
 | Ogle
Clifford W. Carrie E.
Jan. 31, 1921 Apr. 6, 1925
Nov. 7, 2003 |
675 |
 | Gone ye blesed
Elijah T. Ogle
Oct. 7, 1901
Sept. 25, 1920
Ogle |
676 |
 | Father Mother
J. Ed Ogle Martha A. Ogle
1871 - 1943 1878-1968
We will meet again |
677 |
 | Jemima Ogle
Born Jan. 8, 1860
Died July 26, 1928
Gone but not forgotten |
678 |
 | Ogle
Letha Lewis
1891-1926 1883-1939 |
679 |
 | Lillie A. Ogle
Sept. 16, 1909
June 12, 1975 |
680 |
 | Nancy Eleanor
Dau of Mr. & Mrs.
Ray L. Ogle
Oct. 13, 1938
Apr. 15, 1939 |
681 |
 | Pearl
Dau. of Mr. & Mrs.
Lewis Ogle
Nov. 9, 1910
June 5, 1916 |
682 |
 | Gone ye blessed
Samuel A. Ogle
July 14, 1899
Oct. 5, 1918
Private 1st class
Battery A 5th Field
Artillery A E F
Ogle |
683 |
 | Perry
John O. Clara Lee
Aug. 21, 1937 Sept. 29, 1938
April 25, 2003 |
684 |
 | Perry
John O. July 30, 1955 Clara Lee
685 |
 | Peterson
Kathleen N. T. Gordon
Sept. 6, 1902 Mar. 31, 1894
Aug. 17, 1988 July 19, 1975
686 |
 | Victor L Porterfield
US Army
May 6 1946 Jul 31 2005 |
687 |
 | Porterfield
Anna C. Victor L.
Aug. 14, 1952 Together May 6, 1946
Forever July 31, 2005
Married 32 years |
688 |
 | John M. Reagan
Jan. 9, 1916
Dec. 4, 1928 |
689 |
 | William F. Dec 22 1952 Billie J.
Oct. 23, 1934 Aug. 30, 1934
June 24, 2001
Reagan |
690 |
 | Reagan
Mother in loving memory Father
H. Jane Charles J.
Dec. 23, 1919 Oct. 4, 1920
Feb. 19, 1993 |
691 |
 | Reagan
Lillie Mae Marshall
Mar. 20, 1892 June 17, 1889
Aug. 9, 1990 Jan. 18, 1976
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil |
692 |
 | Reed
Andy J. Mary Ann
1849-1935 1856-1912 |
693 |
 | Reed
Harold M. Marian
Nov. 3, 1928 Married Aug. 10, 1936
Dec. 23, 2002 Oct. 10, 1957 |
694 |
 | Katheryn Johnson
Reed |
695 |
 | Reed
Father Mother
Mack Minnie R.
Jan 3, 1901 Mar. 22, 1902
July 11, 1997 Married Dec 25, 1920 May 26, 1989
Devoted Father and loving mother |
696 |
 | Paul T Reed
US Army
World War II
Sep 14 1926 Nov 14 1995 |
697 |
 | Clyde Howard Roberts
US Army
World War II
Jun 7 1916 Mar 4 1994 |
698 |
 | Reed
Paul T.
Sept. 14, 1926
Nov. 14, 1995 |
699 |
 | W L Richards
US Navy
Dec 31 1929 Jan 26 1976 |
700 |
 | Harold Marion Reed
Pfc US Army
Nov 3 1928 Dec 23 2002