Smoky Mountain Ancestral Quest Pending Changes

I have a few additions to your research that you either do not have or have not posted. For example, Frances Emert, daughter of Robert R. Emert and Anna C. Maples, married a John S. Kear. John S. Kear is the son of John Kear and Lydia Allen (The John Kear that was in Co. M, 2nd Tenn Cav).

John S. Kear and Frances Emert had many children including Hallick Kear, John Kear, Melinda Kear, Shirley Melvin Kear, Lydia Kear, Robert Kear, and Frank Kear. Frank Kear is my grandfather. He changed the spelling of Kear to Carr due to bank account dispute.

I have several other additions that I would love for you to have to further other's research and your collection.

Daniel E. Carr

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